Thursday, August 13, 2009


I really would like to learn a lot from this course, I mean, all about USA and Great Britain because I think that it would be very important for us as future teachers of English. I think that we have to know about the culture and the civilization of these two beautiful countries. It would be essential to us.
I think that we are going to learn a lot of thing in this course, but I think that we are going to learn other things related with education too. The thing is that when we meet a new teacher we meet a completely different method to teach, so, we can get thing that we believe are good and then we will be able to apply those knowledge when we are teachers.
And finally I would like to have help with texts because I’m not good at all reading texts of history or that kind of things.
And that’s it, I guess. I hope that everybody can enjoy the course including me =)