Sunday, October 11, 2009

“Natives & Immigrants”

I am going to write you my reflection about the natives and immigrants in the formation of the United Kingdom. As we know United Kingdom is a very rich place in terms of culture. I mean, we could see trough the texts that we are reading how different people from different parts of the world got there causing changes . The thing is that these people had different abilities. So, the United Kingdom’s natives could learn new things about these new immigrants. Things like customs, art, skills and so on. Moreover, these people not just learn new things; they were creating a new culture too. So, United Kingdom’s culture nowadays is a completely new culture from the one which we could find thousands years ago.
I think that it was pretty important the role of immigrants in the United Kingdom. They change the story there. From my point of view wars and invasions had to happen to create what we have nowadays. And what we have nowadays is not quite bad at all.